Friday, 30 January 2009

Tips For Getting Ahead in Your Career

Think Ahead

Unfortunately many of us don't necessarily plan for the future of our careers. We think about the here and now.

We close our eyes and hope for the best. However, to be really successful - unless you just happen to be lucky - the key to a successful career is to think and plan ahead.

Choose Your Degree Wisely

Majoring in liberal arts or English Lit might sound like more fun, but how will it read in the corporate environment?

A degree in business, math, or science is going to look far more impressive to your employer.

Don't Stop at Your Bachelor's Degree

Online colleges make getting a degree easier than ever. That means more employees will at least have their bachelor's degree.

So, in order to stand out to your employer, you need to go above and beyond a bachelor's degree. Strive to get a master's degree, or even a PhD.

Be Willing To Take the Odd Assignment

Not only do these odd assignments make a great addition to your resume, they tell employers that you are fearless, flexible, and willing to think "outside the box".

Market Yourself Enthusiastically

Telling people how wonderful we are may sound a bit like bragging. And, for many of us, it's one of the most difficult challenges affecting our ability to move ahead in our careers.

But, unless you've got some incredibly unique skill that no one else in the world can do, it's what you must do to have your abilities recognized and to help you stand out above the competition.

Big Cities Is Where It's At

Career-making Meccas like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami are the places to go if you want to see your career move in a positive upwardly-mobile direction.

Not only is there more money to be made working in a big city, the growth opportunities are virtually limitless.

Don't Be Afraid To Change Jobs

While you don't want to look like you're job-hopping by changing jobs too frequently, it's not unusual to find yourself up against a brick wall i.e. a not so good supervisor, or perhaps you're lacking enthusiasm you're your current position.

At any rate, changing jobs can add some pizazz back into your career.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

By Tony Jacowski

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